Interior design on a budget : Neutral Colors

Interior design on a budget : Neutral Colors

Ever painted a room a room purple or orange or pasted a bold, striking wallpaper only to repaint it with something else not long after? Or how about a big colored sofa that you were convinced goes so well with the rest of your decor, but you are now thinking of giving it away to family?

One of the main characteristics of neutral colors is that you are less likely to get bored of them. Or if you do get bored, it does not cost nearly as much to fix it. Imagine if you pasted an ivory colored wallpaper with subtle patterns, if you get bored you can simply buy new furnishings or knick knacks around it to bring new life to your space, without going through the trouble of repainting your entire house. About that sofa from before, you can simply mix and match different colored/textured pillows as you wish instead of buying a new sofa altogether. Ultimately, you will most likely save money in the long run purchasing paints, wallpaper or large furniture in neutral colors than bold, solid-color paints or elaborate motifs.

Neutral colors will also make the rest of the room stand out more. Adding some knick knacks to your living room may not have much effect on the atmosphere of your space if you have wallpaper in big, bold colors. Smaller or more subtle textures in the decor such as your sheer curtains or house plants will generally stand out much more in a neutral color dominant room. This basically increases the value of your other furnishings as the details are more noticeable and appreciable to people entering the room.

Lastly, neutral dominant decor is more easily customizable. You will simply have a wider range of complementary decorations or furniture that can go really well with those colors, many of which may be easier on your budget. With a non-neutral dominant decor, you will most likely have less options to accessorize with which may also mean less cost-effective alternatives.