Roman Shades and Your Interior Design : Tips & Tricks Part 2

Tips and Tricks on Utilizing Roman Shades in Your Design Concept

In continuation with yesterday's article:

4. Style options for your shades

As mentioned earlier, roman shades come in a variety of options that can make them unique and complement different styles. As mentioned earlier, roman shades come in a variety of options that can make them unique and complement different styles. 
A flat roman shade is typically a single, continuous sheet of fabric without dowels. Classic styles however use dowels to fold that fabric for a neater, stiffer professional look. Relaxed roman shades are meant to look softer than the previous two styles using the flow of the fabric itself.

5. Color contrasts

Utilizing contrasting colors in your decor is one of the most basic interior design tips out there. Having fabric colors that contrast the rest of the room is a good way of making your windows stand out, having contrasting fabric and borders on the shades however, can really make those dressing shine as the contrasting outlines will highlight the shades even more.

6. Using patterns

On single-color rooms it is generally a good idea to add in patterns as monochrome color palettes can seem boring and unnerving if there are no changes in patterns and color. A good example would be to have shades with curving, circular patterns for a monochrome room with plenty of sharp, straight edges.
This also works when color is involved, especially in rooms with simple, solid color decor. The patterns help break the monotony of the space and make the room seem more comforting. 

7. Mix matching prints and patterns

Roman shades are an excellent platform for hosting prints/patterns that can mix-match with the rest of the room. An example of this concept would be to balance a more simple/mundane decor with the boldness of a printed window dressing to make the room feel more sophisticated.

Stay tuned for parts 3!